Life in Whistler: Simmone Lyons
Simmone Lyons was one of the first people that I met in Whistler. At the time she worked at “The Springs” – the building that takes care of lockers, uniforms, and a lot of other “employee stuff” for Whistler Blackcomb. Since I didn’t know anyone in the town, it was a pretty good hangout spot to just talk when the weather was bad or you were too tired from riding.
Simmo is a great mate and is always keen for laps with anyone whether it be in the bike park, on the trails or around the pump track. If there is one person in this town that does the lifestyle well, it would have to be Simmone, and that is why I have asked her to be first for the Life in Whistler Rider Profiles.
Name: Simmone Lyons
Age: 30
Hometown: Portland, Australia
Time in Whistler: 3 years
Job: “Technically a Bike guide, but really an unemployed bum.”
Bikes: Commencal Supreme DH, Diamond Back Mission 3
What was your motivation for moving to Whistler? How did you hear about this place?
I started out in Whistler as the typical Australian ski bum. I came here for a Winter season back in 2007/08. My oldest brother lived here and I had some other friends in town so it seemed like an easy option. The priority was all about snow back then.
How does your lifestyle in Whistler compare to your life at home?
Whistler life is like a giant playground made for big kids. There are so many options for outdoor adventures and activities it is often overwhelming. I find living in Whistler my lifestyle is focused around outdoor pursuits and recreation activities. Finding a job that pays enough to make ends meet but allows maximum play time is my goal.
As I sit here typing I consider my next activity for the afternoon and have to decide between sneaky laps in the bike park, an XC mission or hitting up the pumptrack. Whatever the option, they all sit with in minutes of my front door.
It’s a pretty awesome life. Especially compared to my former corporate life where finding time for any activity beyond work and a cheeky afternoon beer was a challenge.
How long have you been riding bikes for? Did you do any riding back in Australia before you moved to Whistler?
My feet first hit the pedals on a decent bike back in September of 2007 when I was living in Calgary, Alberta. Unfortunately my first bike in Whistler was rather neglected while there was still snow around, but by the end of my first summer in Whistler I was hooked on riding bikes.
As for riding back in Australia prior to moving to Whistler, I had a pimping purple BMX as a child, complete with spokey dokes, a bell and streamers waving from the bars. I was the coolest kid on the block for sure. Before I moved to Whistler however, I wasn’t really into riding bikes though – it was here that I really got into it.
I recently took a trip back home to Australia and was able to get some riding in . There are some pretty fun trails back home especially when you consider the lack of mountains available, but the problem is that they are few and far between. I found I was traveling anywhere between 4-8 hours to get to downhill trails. It really made me appreciate how spoilt we are for biking options here in Whistler.
Has riding in Whistler changed your style or ability?
Riding in Whistler you have the ability to put in some serious hours on the bike with very little effort courtesy of endless XC trails and of course the lift assisted downhill trails.
I would say Whistler has definitely helped my biking skills progress quicker than I probably would have living at home. I also have to thank the Women’s Nights particularly in my first year of riding which definitely helped my skills to progress quickly. They are such fantastic value for money and a great opportunity for female riders to hone in their skills and progress their riding.
What is your favourite riding in Whistler?
This is a difficult question! I’m not sure if I have an overall favourite in Whistler. In the bike park my favourite combination trail would be Original Sin, Black Velvet, In Deep, Fatcrobat, Too Tight. As for XC, well everyday I seem to discover a new favourite. Recent highlights have been Hey Bud and Pure Vida.
The perfect day of riding? A combination of XC, downhill and pump track all in one day. Be warned it is rather exhausting though!
Special thanks to Logan Swayze from Bike Park Photos for the photos in this post.