Life in Whistler: Joe Patterson
Joe Patterson is one of the few Canadians that I actually met in Whistler. In a town flooded by Aussies, Brits, Saffas and so on – sometimes it can feel as though the Canadians left Whistler a long time ago….

Life in Whistler: Dom Wrapson
Dom Wrapson is the perfect example of someone that has moved to Whistler for a “mountain change” – a change in outlook for life. Living in Whistler, BC has really seen Dom excel in his ability on a bike, and…

Life in Whistler: Simmone Lyons
Simmone Lyons was one of the first people that I met in Whistler. At the time she worked at “The Springs” – the building that takes care of lockers, uniforms, and a lot of other “employee stuff” for Whistler Blackcomb….