Life and Bikes in Australia
I haven’t posted much lately, whether it is for good or bad reason it’s hard to say. My wife and I have recently moved back to Australia – time to catch up with the great friends and family that we…

Life in Whistler: Dom Wrapson
Dom Wrapson is the perfect example of someone that has moved to Whistler for a “mountain change” – a change in outlook for life. Living in Whistler, BC has really seen Dom excel in his ability on a bike, and…

Life in Whistler: Simmone Lyons
Simmone Lyons was one of the first people that I met in Whistler. At the time she worked at “The Springs” – the building that takes care of lockers, uniforms, and a lot of other “employee stuff” for Whistler Blackcomb….

Mountain Biking Skill Progression and Ability
A rider’s natural ability and the acquisition of mountain biking skills are fascinating concepts. Observing a rider’s progression, development and enhancement of techniques can be even more interesting. Having basically ridden a bike since I was three years of age, I rarely…