5 Must-Have Mountain Biking Accessories for Beginners
By Amanda Wilks The origins of mountain biking as we know it today date back to the California of the 1970s. Although it has been a favorite of many people since the early days of the sport, recent years have…

Best Car for Mountain Bikers
If you’re like me, mountain biking is more than a sport you play once a month, it’s something you live for. It makes sense then, that mountain bikers should have a car that suits the needs of their passion. Though…

I don’t race
“Are you racing this weekend?” It seems like everyone wants me to get my race on lately. Living in the very active town of Whistler in British Columbia, Canada most of us are here for the snow, the bikes, or…
Sunshine Coast Cruise
A few of my friends travelled the BC coast with their bikes last year in search of good times and fun trails. Whistler local Dom Wrapson has been featured on ride more bikes before – stay tuned for a post…

Big Thanks, Big Things
It’s been far too long between posts. For a while now life has been busy but with all the boring stuff. Work, tax, moving house and all that. The last few weeks however, things have changed. This post marks a…